Aug 22, 2007

It was fun {& I've never hidden a blackberry in my knickers}

I know I've made fun of the Prada-genre books. They have been fun reads, but they are shallow. I admit it. I judged The Undomestic Goddess before reading it. I thought it would be more of the same. I thought it would be silly. I was sort of wrong. Am I shallow if I admit that I really liked this book? I did. I really liked it. It was fun. Witty. It was smartly written- & in a sense, I could sort of relate. Samantha is driven, career obsessed & busy {I'm not career obsessed- but my job is really challenging & fulfilling, sometimes I feel like life gets a little too intense, & I'm just a tiny bit busy sometimes}.

I laughed out loud in the 1st chapter. Samantha is at a spa, and her masseuse is trying to get her to relax…

"Samantha, Samantha..." Maya shakes her head. "You're here to relax. To take a moment for yourself. Not to send e-mails. E-mail's an obsession! An addiction! As evil as alcohol. Or caffeine."
For goodness sake, I'm not obsessed. I mean, that's ridiculous. I check my emails about once every... thirty seconds, maybe.
The thing is, a lot can change in 30 seconds.
"And besides, Samantha," Maya goes on. "Do you see a computer in this room?"
"No," I reply, obediently looking around the dimlittle room, at posters of yoga positions and a wind chime and a row of crystals arranged on the windowsill.
"This is why we ask that you leave all electronic equipment in the safe. No mobile phones are permitted. No little computers." Maya spreads her arms." This is a retreat. An escape from the world."
"Right." I nod meekly.
Now is probably not the time to reveal that I have a BlackBerry hidden in my paper knickers.

Maybe no one else will laugh at this. I thought it was hilarious.

I’m going to take the night to decide what to read next. I might even take the next 24 hours, and spend my time sleeping on the train tomorrow. I’ve read 4 books in the last week or so. I’m a little booked-out I think, but I’m sure it will be short lived. In the meantime, I have a few options… 1) Eat, Pray, Love 2) Anna Karenina or 3) Sense & Sensibility.


Heidi said...

Have you read anything else by Sophia Kinsella? She wrote the Shopaholic series. I loved the first one but then just became way too annoyed at the main character by the second one and never read the remaining books in the series. My mom and sisters think they are all great though.

Lindsey said...

I read the first two shopaholic books too and they were fun reads. This one sounds good! I'll have to add it to the book list. :)

k. said...

I haven't read any of her other books... they seemed to be in the Prada genre, and while I liked THAT book, I really didn't like Everyone Worth Knowing- so I sort of gave up on that type of book. But like I said- this was different. I liked it. :)