Aug 24, 2007


Do I look like Ginnifer Goodwin? I don't really think so, although we are both brunettes with greenish eyes. I think the resemblance stops there. And- I'm a little shiny in this picture, but it's the best head shot I have. Anyway- One of my colleagues today told me that I not only look like Ms. Goodwin, but I also act like her character on Big Love. This is the 2nd time in 24 hours that someone at work has mentioned how wholesome I am. My assistant yesterday informed me that it is quite obvious that I'm not from the area, as:

  1. I smile when I talk.
  2. I'm too nice to be from New York.
  3. I'm not snotty enough to be from Connecticut.
  4. I dress like I went to Harvard {conservatively}.
  5. Pearls are my earrings of choice {in the area, generally reserved only for affluent old women}.
  6. I wear a lot of cardigans.
  7. I don't wear super, duper tight pants/low-cut tops/revealing dresses on casual Friday {duh}.

Yesterday happened to be a very preppy dressing day for me {khakis, blue ruffle-collar button up JCrew shirt, navy cardigan, brown flats, coordinating headband, & pearls around my neck & in my ears}. This did not help. I'll admit that I felt like kind of a dork. I don't want to be a 24 year old stuck in a 45 year old's body, but I guess I'm okay with being wholesome. That's a good thing {eternally speaking}, right? Hmm. Maybe I need to be more flashy?

whole·some –adjective
conducive to moral or general well-being


Missy said...

I don't know who she is and have never heard of that movie. Hmmm...
Regardless, no, I don't think you look lik her. I think her face is chubbier. Maybe not chubby, but rounder.

I like that photo of you - you look happy. And actually your outfit sounds cute. I love the idea of the blue ruffle-collar button up. Is it one of those new ones that they have in their latest catalog?

k. said...

Big Love is a show on HBO about a polygamist family trying to fit in living in Utah. Mike has seen it, and says that it is funny.

Yes- latest cataolg from JCrew. I like the look. What can I say- I'm fairly preppy (conservative) at work, and I'm okay with that.

And funny- I talked to my assistant AGAIN today, and she said, "Actually- you sort of look like a Mormon!".

Heidi said...

I thought it was flattering if everyone was telling me I looked wholesome, or mormon. Neither of those words have to mean dowdy or stuffy in the least! I think I like your style (from what I read).

Unknown said...

I don't think you look like her at all. Just the hair color. How nice that you look "wholesome" though. I'm sure that's a good thing. Instead of more "flashy" clothes, I think it would be fun to throw some mix-matching anthropologie outfits to the mix. :)

Missy said...

I think it might be the eyebrows?

Lula. said...

I don't think you look like her at all. I guess you have similar coloring.

I was voted "Most Conservative" in my high school. I didn't know how to take it...insult, compliment? In the end I decided it was a compliment because that meant my standards showed in the way I acted and dressed. Or maybe it was just because I was a Mormon. Needless to say, my parents were very pleased :) SO, congratulations on showing your "mormon'ness".

Lindsey said...

I don't think you look like her either. I think just the brown hair, maybe? I like your fashion style. You always post cute things!