For starters, no amount of running could make up for the amount of {mostly delicious} food I ate this week. My favorites included
Om Restaurant {in Boston},
Pod {lunch in Philly}, & dinner at
Morimoto on Thursday, which was probably the best meal that I have had...
ever. Our dinner there lasted about 3 hours & consisted of a dozen or so courses. I ate everything from caviar, to oysters, to Chinese berries {which reminded me of a perfect mixture of strawberries & raspberries}. There were a few "
unrecognizables" thrown in there as well. All delicious. There was not a single thing put in front of me that was not ridiculously good. I hope I get the chance to go back
soon. The overall problem with the week though: I only ran twice. It was all I could manage really- I wasn't lazy, just ridiculously busy. And today- I was so exhausted that I just couldn't make it out for my long run for the week. This being said- the exercise/caloric intake this week has definitely been off balance. Oh boy...
It was a whirlwind of a week, overall. I was home between 10pm Wednesday evening & 7:30am Thursday morning, but was otherwise sleeping in a hotel room in one of several cities. I was back in Philadelphia by Thursday afternoon, and left Philly Friday evening, heading straight back to New Canaan for a wedding reception that night. We made a trip to the outlet mall this morning {love the
JCrew & Banana Republic outlet stores}, & watched Bryan's Homecoming football game this afternoon {which was sadly lost, but Bryan did a great job with an interception- see pictures
here}. I still haven't quite gotten a nap in, but I'm working on it. Oh- & the leaves are starting to turn. It was a beautiful drive the outlets today. I love fall in the northeast.
My travels this week meant that I totally missed out on Premiere Week. Thanks to
TiVo {at Mike's parent's house- we are still without cable}, I was able to catch up on The Office & Grey's Anatomy last night & today.
The Office- LOVE it. I loved that Pam & Jim were both so happy & glowing, & I love that the tension has been released. I hope it lasts. I was so, so happy & I laughed out loud so many times during both episodes. I'm happy to have my Thursday night buddy back. Love this show.
And as for Grey's... Here's the deal: People cannot {should not} be eternally miserable. Or, if they are- there
should not be a television show which demonstrates their never-ending & seemingly self-inflicted unhappiness. Who wants to watch that? I understand that the characters {e.g. Meredith} have been through a tremendous amount, & are consequently complicated individuals. But please, give me a break! Let these people be happy for once! It should have happened late in Season 3. The first two seasons were riveting, & I was okay with the level of conflict. But Season 3 continued to be incredibly...
sad. There were actually several episodes that left me with dreams so horrific that I woke up in tears {enough said on this}. Season 4 has started us off in a similar fashion, with Meredith refusing any chance at true love & happiness, George still brooding & making his wife miserable, & Dr. Yang being ridiculously upset about losing the man that she left at the altar. I love the show, but hope that the writers give us some respite- otherwise, they may lose me.
And finally {& rather unrelated, I might add}- I'm lonely. Maybe not
lonely exactly
, but just feeling homesick. And detached. It happens every so often, & this week probably wasn't great because I was busy enough that I didn't get to have a lot of the conversations with my siblings & parents that I'm so used to having frequently. I felt incredibly disconnected, & as usual... quite far away. As you can see, there's a bit of space in between the Hudson Family Tree {West Coast Chapter} & my NYC home. All I can say is... I can't wait for my mom & dad to visit in two weeks, & then to see
Kera, Patrick & Tara in San Francisco the week following}. I need it.
Grey's kind of lost me last seas (for many of stated reasons) but I wanted to give it another try this season. I haven't made up my mind yet.
So first of all, I agree about the Office and Greys. I did however like the new Private Practice if you are willing to give it a chance despite the bad reviews. And as for you being lonely. You are always free to call me even if it is only for a minute. And, I'm excited to see you, even though it means I might be puking my guts out while I'm there. We will run Monday! Promise.
Aargh! I just wrote a fairly deceent blog which I erased! Maddening!
First of all, I love You! I am so grateful that we can talk, blog and e-mail every day! Not matter the distance, no matter whether we're in the city, on the highway, or in the grocery store, we are always just a call away. It's not like when I was in college and could only splurge for one call a week, or an infrequent letter. We are miles apart, but close in heart.
Gray's- I have limited time in my life, and while I love relaxing at day's end with a good show or two, I need uplift, and so I agree with you. A good laugh is welcome. A bit of romance, wonderful. A story of triumph and suceess, satisfying. BUT I will not spend my time with negativeness and sadness week after week. House, while it is brilliantly written, and Gray's as well, are wearing on me. I am giving them a few weeks, but if they don't turn a corner I will have an extra bit of time to pursue other more uplifting activities of my choosing.
I can't wait to see you too - Won't we have fun!!!!
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