Sep 13, 2007


I'm a lip gloss person. I especially love Stila's Lip Glaze. The colors are great, it doesn't go anywhere too quickly, & it isn't super goopy like MAC's Lip Glass {which I also love, by the way- but I get cheek-only kisses from Mike when I'm wearing it}. I've gone through many, many tubes of Stila's over the past few years, but here's the problem: I'm trying to be good. I've never been a very good budget-keeper, & I've promised to be better. I understand that little things add up, & $20 tubes of lip gloss & other various Sephora/Bloomingdales purchases have certainly been no exception. I've identified products as one of my areas of over {excessive?} spending. It's not that I'm totally uncomfortable spending $20 for lip gloss, or my favorite lotion, hair product, etc.- it's just that I keep buying more, in different varieties, even when I don't need it {my MAC eyeshadow collection is a perfect example- who needs 30+ different shades?}. The easy solution here: I will not buy more of something until I need it {and need being need, not just really, really want}. That means that having 8 different colors of lip gloss already is probably sufficient, & that 16 different shades of "natural" brown eyeshadow is probably not necessary. It also means that I'm going to finish up my bottle of CO Bigelow moisturizer before I run out & pick up another jar of my absolute favorite {Bobbi Brown Face Base}, even though I'm not thrilled with it. And sadly- it means that I will not replenish my supply of Stila's Lip Glaze until I finish up what I already have. I can do it. Sigh.


Heidi said...

I used to do the MAC lip gloss in college but Ben hates it so no longer. Now I like to use the Stila gloss (or shine?) lip palettes. I just buy one at a time until I use it up.

Patrick&Kera said...

oh I love that top middle shade.

aSHleY said...

I have been married for over 2 years now and I am still trying to figure out how to budget. My HB does not understand shoes, make up or clothing--it has been a strugle.

Missy said...

You can do it Kathryn!

Missy said...

PS: heidi, what is the difference with the Stila Lip Palettes? I'll have to look them up.

k. said...

That's either guava or papaya Kera. I wore Guava to my wedding. :)

Heidi said...

Missy- the lip palettes have like four glosses in one thing, just like a little compact container, as opposed to a tube of gloss.

Tara Edwards said...

oooo! You better watch out! Mike is going to comment that you are having a makeup discussion again! :) I like the Revlon gloss from Costco by the way....

k. said...

Tara, did you ever find the one (Revlon gloss) that I found for you at Target? Or did you just buy more? I just ran out, but luckily I bought a back-up the last time I was out in the 'burbs...

Lindsey said...

I'm trying to be a better budgeter (sp?) too. It's hard work! I've never tried stila lipgloss...but I want to. uh oh. I still love my Balm lip glosses. They came out with another line of lip stuff too.

Missy said...

I want to try the lip palettes. It sounds like you get more bang for your buck. How much are they Heidi? ECON 101

Rae said...

Oh man, I hear you. I have a million MAC eyeshadows and I use like 1/8th of them in reality. I went through a phase where I simply could not pass by the counter without picking up a new color. Finally I realized I was just buying to buy, and I have totally put the same rule on myself, no more buying until it's a FOR REAL need. Sigh.

Lula. said...

I have a very similar problem. Big fan of Stila and MAC lip gloss/glass. I finally just quit cold-turkey per se. I only buy and own one at a time. I decided to use up my eye shadow collection (I don't quite have 30+, closer to 15). However, I have realized that it is very worth it to buy quality products. Luckily, something my husband agrees with.
Good luck with cutting back!