Sep 9, 2007

No, I'm not taking estrogen supplements...

...but I DO actually enjoy this music. This movie was incredibly moving. Glen Hansard's songs are woven throughout, driving the storyline and character development, speaking to an emotional level not easily articulated with words and acting.

This is Glen Hansard's full band, The Frames (singing a different version than was used in the film).

And this is my favorite song in the movie. I'm typically a fan of controlled screaming in songs (The Used, Senses Fail, Finch) - must be a by-product of my knowing all too well the tough life of a white male reared on the mean streets of coastal Connecticut.


Lindsey said...

okay, i love that first song especially!

Jan said...

I seriously love that song......It must be on my I Pod once I figure out how to download songs to it......another sad comment on my lagging techno savvy state