The Nike Town @ Union Square had a big wall with every person's name on it who was running {thankfully in alphabetical order}.


At the Expo with Tara & Kera. They engraved our iPods, gave us Jamba Juice, played fun music, gave free manicures & pedicures, had button-making stations, etc. - overall, got us super pumped about the race. The atmosphere was so great.

At about mile 5- lovely view of the Golden Gate Bridge {picture taken while running!}. .

Tara & I are matching, with the super cool waist packs. :) I felt like I was wearing a fanny pack {ew}, but it was nice to have water & my camera on hand.

With Haidyn, at the end of the race. She cheered us on the whole time. Sweet girl.
Opening my gift {handed out by men in tuxedos as we ran across the red carpet finish line, by the way- very fun}.

This year's neclace, thanks to Tiffany & Co. {2 sides}. Please excuse the cuticles. It has been dry. Very dry.

On side has the two runners, the other has the text. I prefer the text side, I think.
The girls. {Tara, me, Kera, Nichole}.
It looks great.. you look amazing. How was it? How did it feel? Are you up for it again next year??
I already can't wait for next year.
Love your black coat!!! I am sure Mike is happy to see you!
hey I hear fanny packs are coming back in style....
please share about the striped under shirt. I love it!
also.. I forgot to say that:
1. the necklace is very pretty. what a fantastic incentive!
2. can your niece share some hair with my son? she's very pretty too!
So fun! It reminded me of when Jen and I did it. Love the necklace too - our's are just the runner's (they change every year). You guys look so cute all together too!
Kelli, that tank is from Gap body. I bought it for $5 on sale & love it. :)
Haidyn's hair is pretty amazing. It only likes to stand straight up. Pretty funny. Look at Patrick & Kera's blog for some super cute pictures.
Oh- and next year... I really, really want to do the marathon. I think it would be an awesome goal to achieve.
I am loving all these pictures and just so excited for you (and your sisters). Looks like an amazing time/event.
Okay...way jealous that you look that put together after running 13.1 miles.
Reminds me of the time I summited Kilamanjaro barefoot and blindfolded.
p.s. The photo by the wall is way cute.
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