I'm trying to revive
my recipe blog. It did okay for a while, & then sort of sputtered out. There are so many great cooking blogs out there- I can't really
compete, but I don't want to compete- I just want to contribute & share good ideas with friends & family. I wish that we could just combine into one amazing foodie blog! Anyway- if you want in {i.e. if you want to be a contributor}, tell me & I will send you the email. This may work, it may not. Either way, at least I have a pretty new header, right? :)
Yay!! I'm back! :-)
I'll post! I love wire.whisk.
Yes, I think that would be awesome to start wire.whisk up again. I'm in!
I'm in, even posted twice! And I'll just publish the blog once a year for a great cookbook!
I promise to post at least one recipe this time. Don't tell my buddies, but I really like food blogs. (This is really Eric, I had to use Melissa because I haven't been invited ;)
I love cooking blogs...probably because I'm not that great of a cook. However, I have collected some great recipes over the years.
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