Nov 20, 2007

Good riddance to turkey. Move on to Christmas, please.

Love Starbucks hot chocolate {hazelnut & vanilla, please}, or caramel apple cider. I picked up the Josh Groban Christmas CD while I was there today. Love Josh Groban, love Christmas music.

Love Williams Sonoma's peppermint hot chocolate & ridiculously rich chocolate marshmallows. Perfect for do-it-yourself nights at home. Picked this up last night {thanks, Kellie!}.


Heidi said...

I have never tried that drink at Starbucks. And those Chocolate marshmallows look soo good right now!

Julia said...

weird-- I got a caramel apple cider this morning...

I love Christmas, but don't give up on Thanksgiving-- it is my favorite holiday.

Meg said...

I'm with you on the starbucks hot chocolate... YUMMY!!! I've pretty much have had a peppermint hot chocolate everyday for the last two weeks.....

Patrick&Kera said...

Hot chocolate is one of my ALL time favorite things!! By the way, if you get bored will you make us a fabulous christmas cd with Josh Grobens songs!! Pretty please.

k. said...

Kera, I will send it to you. :) It is SO good.

Do you guys have TJ's in San Fran? It's almost as good (probably even better, actually) than the WS stuff, and it is super cheap...