Nov 4, 2007

Just down the block...

I got off the couch to watch the Men's & Women's Elite runners go by. Paula Radcliff won the marathon 8 miles after I took these pictures. It was pretty amazing to see these women run. Let's just say that they were fast enough that I could only get 2 pictures. Oh- & body fat? Ha! Non-existent with these two ladies. Wish I looked that great running around in shorts that look like skivvies.

Thanks to the staggered starts, the Men's Elite runners ran by 92nd/1st Ave. about 20 minutes later. They were fast - See for yourself.


Kera said...

We just finished watching this on the tele. Pretty amazing they can run a marathon about the same speed I can run a half. Me and Patrick thought for sure that girl was going to pass her near the end.

Heidi said...

I heard some guy died during the marathon- what is the story there?

It must be so motivational and exciting to have all those people cheering while running a marathon, that is great.

k. said...

A man (25 year old) died during the Olympic Trials yesterday (another marathon that goes around Central Park). It's really sad. He just collapsed at mile 5 and died. Even worse- he just got married in July. Apparently he had an enlarged heart or a respiratory disease. I've heard both.

Missy said...

Ryan Shay died yesterday - he was 28 and a professional runner winning the Olympic marathon in 2003 (his new wife is too). He had a heart condition, but he had been cleared to run. He collapsed at mile 5.5 and was pronounced dead at the hospital (cardiac arrest) Shocking, really.

As for those photos and video Kathryn, those guys are bookin' it. 5 minute miles for 26.2 miles? A-mazing. Thanks for posting it!