Ironing. I hate to iron. This could be #1 on my list of "Things I hate to do THE MOST" list. I probably have 10 shirts in my closet that I have not worn for months because they are wrinkled. I rely on Downy's Wrinkle Release spray as much as possible, but sometimes that just doesn't cut it. I love my clothes that I have to get dry-cleaned or laundered. Despite the exponential cost associated with this, I love that I can avoid pulling out the iron & ironing board.
Cleaning the bathtub. I hate it. Luckily, I have a really good husband who does it, without complaining, on a regular basis.
Taking out the garbage. I hate putting the bag back in. I don't know why, I just hate it. I don't really mind the actual taking it out part- just putting the bag back in. Repeat: Luckily, I have a really good husband who does it, without complaining, on a regular basis.
Putting sheets on the bed. There are few things I love more than clean, fresh sheets. But there are few things I hate more than making a bed by myself- or even with someone.
Blowdrying my hair. If it were socially acceptable, I would shave my head. Pulling out the blowdryer is in fierce competition with ironing in terms of being at the top of my "Things I hate to do THE MOST" list. I absolutely, positively hate blowdrying my hair. But the problem is, I have to. I have straight hair, but not perfectly straight hair. If I don't blowdry it, it gets wrinkled. Not curly, not straight, but wrinkled- and we know how I feel about ironing things. In the summer, I get too hot {especially with the humidity}. In the fall & winter, my hair gets dry & turns into a static mess, no matter what products I use. I hate blowdrying my hair.
Ooh, I'm with you on most of these things except ironing. I like to iron. It's like I get into a zone and just think while ironing.
Okay so funny- I think I agree on most of these things. I clean our bathroom every Saturday but always avoid the bathrub until it gts really nasty. Ben doesn't do it either but now that I am pregnant I can get him to do it at least every once in a while ("the fumes are bad for the baby".
Blow drying my hair- HATE it! In fact I only wash my hair like 2 or 3 times a week because I hate it so much (is that gross?). And I mostly just hate making the bed. I am a really organized and clean person but when it comes to the bed I just want it to be ready for my to climb in any second. Ben is ADD when it comes to this so he is officially in charge of making the bed.
ha ha! I am with you on all of this.
I hate ironing and send it out to be done - should I admit that?
Totally with you on replacing the garbage bag. Why? I'm not sure. But I so know what you mean. And the sheets - nothing better than clean, fresh sheets, but I dread putting them back on. I actually dread drying too them because we don't have a dryer!
We send out all of Mike's shirts, Lindsey. I don't judge. :)
And Heidi- if your hair isn't oily, there's nothing wrong with washing it twice a week! I have to wash mine after I go to the gym, etc. but otherwise... I skip days when I can too.
Hi Kathryn, this is Brianne, Jen's sister in Las Vegas. I love your blog and HAD to comment today because I hate those 4 things as well. They are the top 4 things on my list too. Esp. the hair drying. Ask Jen. I hate showering for that sole reason-because I will have to blow dry my hair.
Brianne, you are out! :) No need to lurk anymore. We're friendly here.
And i'm with you of course on the showering thing. I've started showering at night (sometimes) so that my hair dries overnight- then I can just flat iron it in the morning.
Oh man, can I relate!! HATE HATE HATE ironing. It's bad because I put it off and just hang up wrinkly clothes. The other night I tried "marathoning it" and ironed a bunch of shirts while watching Oprah. It's still a pain.
HATE cleaning anything to do with the bathroom, but ESPECIALLY the tub. Our drain hasn't been working very well so the tub is nasty. I officially put in a complaint this morning and will suck it up and wash the tub tonight. Ew.
I HATE sheets so much that I only use the fitted sheet and boycott the other. I know. I'm a freak. I'm sure that'll have to change after I get married.
I love LONG, THINK, CURLY hair. I loathe showering due to the hair upkeep. I agree with the head shaving. I even posted about it a while back, about how I didn't blame Britney for shaving her head. Not having hair would cut down about 90% of my getting ready time. Seriously.
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