Nov 28, 2007

What are the cool kids are listening to these days?

I don't have cable so I never see MTV. I don't have a car so I never listen to the radio. I sit in a cubicle all day surrounded by people over the age of 45 (every one of them, really). My iPod is full of music that I stole from my younger brother's Mac a year ago. My last update before that was some time in 2004.

A co-worker told me he was walking around downtown NYC some time in 2003 and saw a courier complaining to a police officer about all the construction going on. "What happened here?" he said. The officer was floored. "You really don't know?" "No! What?" he responded.

This is how I feel with music. I'm that clueless package courier from Upstate that has been living in a cave for the past 2.5 years. With this qualifier in mind, I DO think that this guy is pretty good. You can listen to him here. I like "Arizona" and "Cell."

1 comment:

k. said...

It's okay, Mike. I'm not very cool either. I thought Taylor Swift was a boy until yesterday.