Jan 20, 2008


Okay, so I've narrowed down the field. If I had to eat one thing every day, it would probably be:
Sushi. Spicy tuna rolls are my favorite as of late {inside out, with tempura flakes & wasabi}.

Dumplings. I really, really love dumplings. Preferably from here.
Gnocchi. I love gnocchi. Ordering it at restaurants is always tricky, but I've had delicious versions here & here. Trader Joe's frozen bags aren't bad either. I've never tried to actually make it myself, from scratch.
It's a toss up between the three. Nutritionally, sushi may be my best bet, but who wants mercury poisoning?


Kera said...

I love sushi. I ate it ALL the time when I worked down town. Mmm. Now I am going to crave it until I get it.

Tara Edwards said...

Gnocchi has to be one of my favorite pastas, but I hate it when I order it and it comes out mushy, so I'm always a little leary. The dumpling site looks so yummy! I never thought of serving them with sauces! You should try to get the recipes!

Missy said...

The crunchy rolls are my FAVORITE. Either way, those are great choices (I've never heard of the dumpling man)??

Elizabeth said...

they all look good.. well not raw fish but maybe if it had something else in it.