I just couldn't have done it. I couldn't have. No one has ever been able to tell me what to do {or if they have, I've done the opposite- Western vs.
BYU, anyone?}. I am too headstrong, too independent... & had parents who always told me that I could do anything I wanted, that my brain had immeasurable value...
The saddest thing about it:
1. It was "culture": people defining how other people should act.
2. It's still going on not only among our own culture, but think several middle Eastern and African cultures.
3. To fight what used to be the "right" way, people are overcompensating in the opposite extreme: that motherhood is something to be ashamed of.
I wonder how people ever grew to believe that men were superior. It wasn't taught from the "begining." I love womanism/womanhood.
So well said Kelli! I wrote a long blog on the subject last night and then erased it accidently...But you said it perfectly.
Ha ha ha. Patrick read this to me last night. We got a good laugh out of it. "remember how his topics of conversation are more important than yours" I mean really, what is more important than Haidyn's diapers :)
Marriage in my opinion: two best friends who truly want the best for the other person and are going to work their butts off so that the other person has the best life you could possibly give them so that when you die you can say "I loved another with ALL my heart"
Oh! I think someone should post kera's comment! Also, I would like to see the Good Husbands guide.
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