I am now known as Juror #5. I was lucky enough, out of the 120+ people called in today, to be chosen as one of 12 people to sit on the jury of a criminal case that goes to trial tomorrow. I'm not thrilled about it, but it was jammed down my throat several times that it is my civic duty. I'll write about all of this later, after I'm not quite so tired. In the meantime, don't try to go into government buildings with a
leatherman. Even a pink one. Apparently, they don't like multiple knives attached to your
key chain, even small ones. Oops. {But thanks Tara, for such an awesome gift. Love it.}
Well good luck I hope it goes quickly.. you still get to go home and stuff right?
So what do they do with the knife while you're in the building? Do they have a baggie with your ID on it or something along that line?...Kind of like a coat check?
Such a bummer. Isn't it great to be a number? I was juror #9 for six memorable months!
Oops - That was me.....
Actually Julia snuck in there - the coat check comment was me
I have to go into the courthouse and the marriage license bureau downtown every Wednesday for work and therefore I am well experienced in taking off my swiss army knife key chain beforehand. The first few weeks I kept forgetting and it created quite the scene (my name is even engraved on it- how harmful could I really be??).
I go to the courthouse on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (to the Parole Board - but that's another story) and I always forget to remove my Box Knife from my pants pocket.
Did I ever tell you the story about the hand grenade at the Ontario Airport?
Yes, I get to go home. Yes, the checked my PINK leatherman (I mean, really!) in a little plastic "this is evidence" looking bag.
Julia- I just can't even imagine. I've done this a day, and I've had enough. 6 months... you should write a book.
I love your grenade story, dad. You should write it up and I will post it on my blog.
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