Jan 14, 2008


The amount of pictures I took at Alissa's wedding really is despicable. Luckily, Stephanie {another bridesmaid} sent over a few {300} today. It really was such a good day, & I just can't get over how beautiful Alissa looked.

I loved my hair {hence the photo of me binning Alissa's shrug together}.


Mike said...

you look so pretty in these pictures.

Alissa said...

Oh my...is it really over??? I think my new hubby is quite cute! I love you Kathryn....thanks for being SUCH a huge part of my life and of this special day. MISS YOU.

Kellie said...

Both you and the bride look stunning!

Kellie said...

PS - did you change your header? I like.

Jan said...

You Do look beautiful as Mike said.........I love all the pictures...gorgeous young women...happy day!

Bryan, Mary, Abby & Lorin said...

Gorgeous Kathryn! You have to tell me all about it. It looks like you had a blast. Hope to see you soon.

Julia said...

I love your hair (I wish I could get mine to look nice in a French twist). Did you do it, or get it done?

k. said...

Ha! That's funny. :) Don't you pay attention to me, Julia? My hair is either down & straight, or in a ponytail. :) I have no talent when it comes to doing my own hair.

We had a very nice woman come and do all of the bridesmaids hair. She was fabulous.

Unknown said...

I like the last picture a lot. Your eyelashes look great. :) (The new mascara?)

What a special day! I love weddings.

Tara Edwards said...

Pretty Pretty! And I always like going places where there are plenty of photographers. It's nice to just enjoy the moment sometimes.

k. said...

Kelli, that was actually my MAC mascara. I really do love that kind, too...

I used really tiny false eyelashes just in the outer corners of my eyes. It helps a lot (and looks good in pictures, etc).