Feb 26, 2008


If I promised Julia {via email- I think it still counts} that I'd quit drinking Diet Coke, & then I had one with my lunch today right after discussing the poisonous ingredients with a colleague, does this mean that I have a problem? .
Just wondering.


suz said...

It is hard to quit diet coke that is for sure! I have not had one in so long I am afraid to even have a sip for fear that I will fall back into the habit (although I have been looking at them longingly recently)

Jan said...

So what's the big deal with Diet Coke?..... Not that I really care all that much on some level....I'm just curious. No one ever says they're hung up on Ginger Ale, for Pete's sake, or & Up .What about it is so enticing, so wonderfully...whatever? People who crave it really crave it...Is it an addiction, or just a habit? I guess most people would say a habit, but if one gets headaches and such after quitting, maybe it's something more. What causes that reaction? Do we care? It's more what the aspartame does to our metabolism that concerns me.....Maybe it's all linked up in some weird way. Is it of the Devil? Only kidding...Really only kidding. I just don't get it.

Tara Edwards said...

Oh Mom.

It's one of those things you cant explain unless you take the time to aquire the taste. I for one, love Diet Coke from McDonalds more than from a can, and from a can more than from a plastic bottle. There is a not so sweet but sort of salty taste that is so yummy! It's hard to break the habit, but I can honestly say, I'm not totaly as addicted as I once was.

suz said...

I agree, more from a can than bottle and never with ice unless it is from McDonalds.

Mike said...

I don't get what all the fuss is about. Diet anything leaves a worse aftertaste than Listerine.

Kellie said...

I LOVE Listerine! Fortunately, I'm not addicted to Diet Coke.