Feb 3, 2008


Days as a New York City resident.

Population of New York City. In millions.

Postcards I received from my dad this week.

Pairs of shoes in my closet. Not as bad as I thought it might be.

Eyeshadow options I have every day {31 Stila, 26 MAC}. I have a problem. Obviously.

Looks like I'm not allowed to buy lipgloss for a few more years either.

Taps every airplane gets before I'll get on. I went to Michigan this week for work. Brr.

Seconds I've been breathing.

This number is actually 2, I think, but I already had a "2" & decided that it's pretty likely that the number of people who have passed out on me {sleeping} on the subway is actually 3 & I'm probably just forgetting someone. A man fell asleep on me yesterday & I barely even noticed, until all of the people around me {tourists} started laughing. I didn't move him until my stop. He seemed very tired.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

67 eyeshadows!! We should have had an application tutorial while I was there, I rarely wear it because (1) I am not great at application and (2) I am much too impatient.