Feb 4, 2008

She's the best.

Tara's coming to visit me. In less than 3 weeks, actually. It's so fun when people come to visit, but even more fun when they come at the last minute or just because. I think I love the just because category best, especially when it involves flying all the way across the country & leaving 4 kids behind {with a very nice husband}. So far I've got us signed up for the Fafi event that MAC is doing at Bloomingdales {we have a mutual love for MAC I think}. More ideas pending. I'm determined to make it a super fun 72 hours.


Jan said...

Yea!!!!! You guys are going to have a blast! Make sure Tara knows a couple of your favorite reads to buy for the trip across the country.

suz said...

I knew she was going to Utah but I didn't know she was going to visit you. How exciting for both of you! I can't wait to hear all about it.

Kellie said...

Yah!! So happy for you to have a fun visitor! There's a good H2O exhibit at the Museum of Natural History right now.

Tara Edwards said...

I'm so happy for you! OK, for me! We will have fun and laugh and simle and play and I'm so excited!

Unknown said...

Sisters make the best house guests! That will be so much fun and a nice break, I'm sure. Hooray for spontaneity!

Alissa said...

I am so excited for you guys! Hmm... Tara leads a good example of getting away for 72 hours...something I should strongly consider in the next few months! You'll have tons of fun.