Mar 26, 2008


I finished #3 last night, although it took me a bit longer than the others. I really loved these books, but by the time I got to Eclipse, I felt that things had gotten just a little bit silly. I have to admit that when I would see people from work on the train, it was a little embarrassing to tell them that I was reading a book about vampires, werewolves & teenage love {I have somewhat of an image to protect, right?}. Anyway- it was nice to read something light & quick. I equate this series with reading People magazine. It's not really substantive, but you just can't help it. They were really fun books, & when Breaking Dawn comes out, I'll definitely read it.
PS- I am Team Edward all the way.


Jan said...

I'm glad you can use your creative juices to blog when you are weary with work. You are just the best at communicating.....It's almost like we get to read a mini editorial of your life each and every day. As for me, I am looking out the window at a skiff of snow which fell last dare it?!

c-natalie-l-k-l said...

Soooo...who do you think Bella should be with??? Edward or Jacob? Or neither?? :) I'm a big Jacob fan, but I know it's not possible since he'll probably imprint on someone else!

Kellie said...

I need something light & quick after Three Cups of Tea - I think maybe #1 will be it.....

Missy said...

Totally agree. They made me feel like less of a book snob because I can totally admit that I will read anything and enjoy it simply because it's reading.

Heidi said...

I am confused how anyone reading the books isn't team Edward, but I know they exist. Yay for light reads.

Heidi said...

I am confused how anyone reading the books isn't team Edward, but I know they exist. Yay for light reads.

Ryan said...

I have a lot of friends that are team jacob. although they are no longer friends... just kidding. I am glad you finished.


Tara Edwards said...

I have to admit. I'm sort of a team Jacob fan, just because I think his adoration turned into love and Edward started out being so hateful so somewhere in my justification I think Jacob is more nobel. I don't know. I'm happy either way!