I sort of forgot that I ordered
five boxes of these a few months ago from a friend at work {who was selling on behalf of her two precious daughters - I
couldn't resist}. I wasn't happy when she put them on my desk last week. I managed to give most of them away {who needs that kind of temptation?}, but realized when I got to my desk this morning that one remained. So here I am, alone, with a box of
Tagalongs. I might just die.
I was the cookie mom for my daughters troupe so just imaging how many boxes of cookies I had around my house (still have). I have eaten my fair share (maybe more) that is for sure. Good luck with your Tagalongs.
yum! Samoas and Thin mint have always been my favorite. I asked dan a few months ago if he wanted to order any and he informed he already had and was keeping a stash in his desk at work, hmmm, I wonder why he neglected to tell me about them!
I like them all. I especially like the thin mints, frozen. I was thinking next year for our school auction I would order a bunch of boxes and sell them as a group! Yumm!
mmm, what I would do for a girl scout cookie right about now.
Debbie Smith's daughter in law is the "Cookie Mom" for her daughters group. They had 50 some boxes delivered to her house a bit ago and the next day she discovered her 3 year old (a kindred spirit of Harrisons), had opened TEN of those boxes and sampled heavily from them. I guess there's a universal love out there for them.
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