I may be jumping the gun here, but at first glance, I think this site is funny - Stuff White People Like. I wouldn't give it the full-fledged Mike Whiting Seal of Approval without further review, but this post is spot on (think every returned missionary you've ever met that served his/her mission in a soccer-loving country). And how about this one on our penchant for expensive brunch places? Ironically enough, Kathryn and I are headed to Norma's again tomorrow!
I got a good laugh out of that site. My brothers and guy friends invested lots of time post "mish" watching their newly favored soccer teams :)
oh they even brought home jerseys and scarves.
Very funny,, It is true I think every missionary has some Jersey and then considers themselves a life long fan..
Hey there- Just want you to know that I really appreciate your blogs when they pop up now and then. They are great comic relief and always make me smile. Patrick does a good job too - in his kick back kind of way. We need the guys to provide a bit of balance - There is way too much estrogen floating around!
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