Apr 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Elizabeth.

We survived stirrup pants, bad bangs, braces, breakups, groundings & adolescence together. We've been arch rivals & enemies, but became the best of friends in college- & that's when things really started to get fun. My favorite memories of us include singing My boyfriends back, & you're gonna get in trouble at the top of our lungs on the boat at the lake, making a recording of every cuss word we knew {sorry mom} & then Elizabeth blackmailing me with it's existence for years {we can laugh about it now}, & our daily phone calls that I now look forward to every day. I love my sister & it is her birthday. I hope it is happy!
PS- Don't make fun of the ugly stages I went through. Some of them were quite serious.


Jan said...

Actually there wasn't a moment when I didn't think both of you were beautiful. You're different, that's for sure, but you're wonderfully complementary as well. It's a happy, happy day when we can celebrate one of our family members special day.....Let's all give Elizabeth a great big birthday cheer! We love you!

Ryan said...

what your favorite memory wasn't me singing kiss the girl on the back of the bus in grade school to you and whatever boy that was??? sorry Mike she had not met you yet. Thanks for the Happy Birthday!

Kera said...

sisters are one of this life's greatest blessings!!! thank heaven's for them, fighting over clothes and ALL :)

Ryan said...

sorry that was actually Elizabeth Not Ryan.

Kera said...


Anonymous said...

A tape recoding of cuss words? Wow. These blogs are cool. I learn new stuff every day.

Alissa said...

Happy late b-day Elizabeth! Yes, I was there to witness some intense "sister moments" but it was all worth it :-), you two have an amazing relationship. Kathryn, this blog reminds me of how thankful I am that you have always been my "fake-real sister"....thanks!