Apr 15, 2008

I am.

  • Ready for spring. I was walking around late Saturday night & loved that all of the restaurants were spilling over with people. It was such a perfectly warm night & the city just felt alive. It made me realize how important food & restaurants are in New York City. It's what people do. They eat out with friends, & it is an event. I love Manhattan summers, when it's just the perfect temperature to eat outside on the sidewalks, or in the gardens of restaurants. I love the nights where we go to a casual dinner & then walk to Pinkberry in our flip flops.
  • Tired of business casual. My wardrobe feels so boring. I'm tired of professional. I'm sort of sick of shopping at Banana Republic, or trying to justify buying something that I can't wear to work. I tried really hard this week to dress "springy" vs. my typical black, white, grey & navy. Sunday - I wore LOTS of pink {I told Mike that I looked like a fairy threw up on me}. Yesterday- a green sweater to work {which resulted in several comments of surprise}. Today- brown & grey. Boring. Blech. Most of all- I'm sick of slacks. I really, really hate slacks this week. I love casual Fridays when I can wear cute jeans. I love these pants I recently bought, because they are cute & also more or less appropriate for work {with heels or cute flats, & a dressier top}. I might just buy these, too. Mike said that they are too flashy to wear often {people would remember, which would discourage frequent usage}, but I sort of love them, maybe.

  • Confused about the bangs. Some days I love them. Other days, I feel like the polygamist women I've been seeing on the news all week. I know I'm terrible about posting pictures of myself. We just haven't taken a lot lately, so I have little evidence.
  • Loving this Coach clutch at Nordstrom. I've never been a huge Coach fan {too flashy}, but this is subtle & cute.
  • Dreading the apartment search that is about to commence. Our lease is up at the end of May & we want to move. As much as we've loved our apartment, we need to be closer to the subway. Just for fun, go to Craig's List & look under Manhattan Upper East Side apartments. I called what felt like 100 brokers yesterday. I don't understand how these people actually get {& maintain} jobs. They were ridiculous individuals. I also don't understand how people will pay $2,700 for a 5th floor, 400-square foot walkup with no air conditioning. The woman's response when I asked if there was laundry in the building - "Sure, down on Lexington." Uhm, 2 avenues away. No thank you.
  • Sort of sad. Remember the blind man I saw on the bus a while ago? I've seen him a few times since. It's always strange seeing people again in Manhattan. Most days, I feel like another ant running around amongst millions of other faceless ants. Anyway. I saw him again yesterday, on my bus. He looked so, so sad. Terribly, horribly sad. I wanted to say something. I wanted to help him cross the street when we got off at our stop, but he unexpectedly got off a stop early. I was sad I didn't get the chance to help him, but even more sad that he was obviously so sad. That made me think about all of the reasons that he could be sad, & how sad I would feel if I were blind. Sigh.
  • Missing my family. I'd love to be at the cabin right now {& now preferably being August}. I'd love to see my nieces & nephews. I'd love to have a vacation, period. Sometimes I sort of wish I could flush my BlackBerry down the toilet, or throw it out my window.
  • Wishing it were Friday, & not Tuesday. The next few weeks are going to be busy, & I just feel like I need a nap.


Missy said...

These are my favorite types of posts on your blog. Makes me feel like I ACTUALLY know you, which is kinda neat considering we haven't met.

And I like the capri's. Buy and wear them often, if for no other reason than this summer you are no me and going to be pregnant and not able to wear all the cute JCrew summer finds.

Jan said...

Isn't Kathryn the most wonderful blogger ever? Actually, she comes from a family of great writers - her father being the leader of the pack.....Each of my girls is diligent about keeping the family involved as we read about their lives and musings. Each is different, and simply wonderful. I agree though - these types of posts are among my favorites.....Don't you think she could write a book?

Tara Edwards said...

Spring - Me Too
Business Casual - Try yoga pants every day
Bangs - I still think they are cute
Coach - I want one!
Apartment - I kind of like the one you are in
Sad - I'm sorry. Sometimes don't you just want things to slow down enough to be able to stop and make a difference.
Family - Come visit! Any time!
Friday - If you come visit me then you would like going back to work. Just ask Joanna!

Julia said...

I am so sad about the blind man. Things like that break my heart (It seems to break easily these days). I have last years version of the solid pants in light pink. But they rarely make an appearance because I don't really do pink. And I love this weather too, evening walks in the city are one of my favorite things in the entire world.