Apr 7, 2008

Not thrilled about today.

We had a really great in-ground trampoline in my background growing up. We used to set up the ladder next to it, climb up the rungs, & jump onto the trampoline for extra bounce. One fateful afternoon, my older sister Tara decided to double bounce me right when I landed on the trampoline on a typical jump. It was all fun & games until I somehow managed to land on my toes vs. the more logical feet. My big left toe snapped. A surgery putting a pin in it made everything just fine. No hard feelings, Tara.

Fast forward 18 or so years. My left pinkie toe has been a bit bothersome for quite some time, especially after wearing heels or any of my other favorite cute {aka uncomfortable} shoes. I finally went to the podiatrist today, feeling like quite the old woman. The diagnosis was quick. My toe has rotated 45 degrees to the left. It points sideways vs. up {I thought I just had funny pinkie toes}. Dr. Eckstein called it a rigid deformity. Yup- I'm deformed. Anyway- after a conversation about that fateful day on the trampoline, Dr. Eckstein said that due to the break & the subsequent pinning {slightly off}, my left foot is slightly wider than my right. Because it is wider, & a bit due to genetic predisposition, my toe has turned- & because it turned, my poor little joint has been rubbing up against every shoe I've ever worn {think ouch}, causing a protective layer of fluid to build up around the bone. Long story short: I need to have surgery to fix it. SURGERY. On my pinkie toe! It feels absolutely ridiculous, but should I ever wish to wear a normal shoe again, free of pain, it has to be done. Not so happy about this.
To top things off, my iPod died today. It was a sad process. It started making grinding noises {think metal on metal} & then beeping. I just knew it was gone. A trip to the Genius Bar at the Apple store on 5th Avenue left me with a new, but empty iPod. I had filled my iPod up with Joanna's music {quite the collection} & my dad's movies {he has many} during my last trip to Spokane & will miss having almost 80G of entertainment. My current collection of mp3's pales in comparison, & quite frankly, is dated. Looks like I'll be hitting up iTunes this week. Feel free to send me your favorite playlist.
In better news, Mike & I discovered fresh whole wheat tortillas from The Vinegar Factory last weekend & cannot stop eating them. With cheese, their fresh guacamole & pico de gallo, it's a perfect meal. I'm pretty sure that's all that we'll be eating this week.


Jill said...

ah! surgery! i'm so sorry. i'm glad you know what the cause of the pain is now though. good luck good luck. when are you having it done?

(thanks for the VF tortilla tip, i'll give them a try)

Melissa said...

Darn. Surgery is no fun! At least you will be able to wear shoes comfortably again... maybe even heels. :) Good luck!

Your fresh whole wheat tortillas sound delicious!

Sine family said...

So are you going to do the surgery? When do you think you would get it done? Oh man that sounds like NO FUN.

Tara Edwards said...

I'm sorry. And I wish I had your sized feet so I could have all your cute shoes you might not be able to wear. I'm sorry again. That was mean. I'm sure Naturalizer makes a cute flat shoe!

k. said...

Pending insurance approval, I'm doing it. Probably early June, once I'm done with a busy time at work. The recovery time is not bad, although I'll be in sneakers for a month (hooray for new sneakers!!). Then, happily back to heels. I can still wear them, they just hurt. A lot. :) Not quite as much if I wrap my toe up, but who wants to do that every day? Not me.

And Tara- I'm sticking my tongue out at you. Right now. :)

Missy said...

I'm so sorry about your toe, but I've got to say that the tortillas at Vinger Factory sounded even better. I'm telling my brother about all of these things so next time he comes, I'm going to have him bring a box full of NYC food for me!

Do you have the Nano?

k. said...

I have an 80G (which died, then they replaced) and a 4G nano (which I run with). I'll make due. It's just a pain. Sigh.

Kellie said...

Ouch! Good luck with the surgery - let me know how it goes.

Kera said...

oh owe!!!