May 8, 2008

I won {gross display of self-promotion & gloating}.

I had a 6+ hour battle today with a Manhattan real estate company that was trying to scam us out of $2,500 for an apartment that we did not want, based on a contract that we did not sign, & going off of conversations that were simply fabricated. It's a rather complicated situation that isn't worth explaining, but emails were exchanged using the phrase legal action will be taken against you. Long story short, I won. Mike is out of town today visiting clients this week & I tried to carry the "burden" so that he could somehow avoid the unevoidable stress {that probably didn't really work}. It ended up working out just fine in the end. I'm not stupid, & I'd like to think that my professional experience, & even my life experience living in Manhattan has made me more articulate, assertive & confident. I didn't get flustered, I didn't get angry, I held my ground, argued my point clearly & strongly & won. Did I mention that I won? I won. They {the scummy real estate people} just called & said so. I think I actually scared the guy a little bit during our 1st conversation. He clearly had the initial expectation that I would roll over & hand him my checkbook. Little did he know that I'm the kind of person who thinks twice before saying bless you & that I don't easily get pushed around, especially by men who think they can. So- I won. We don't owe them any money & they won't pursue legal action against us.

Have I mentioned that finding an apartment in Manhattan is a nightmare? Grr.


Kellie said...

Great job!! I feel your pain - not a fun thing to be doing right now.

suz said...

Congrats! What was he thinking messing with a woman who thinks twice before saying bless you? Im glad it worked out for you!!

Ryan said...

Is this a bad time to remind you that you owe me $2500 for that thing we talked about, that time ago?

Tara Edwards said...

You rock!