May 12, 2008

If you were a return address label...

Which one would you be?


Jan said...

I seriously like them all.....creative you. Does Mike have a preference ? The first two might be more well liked by the USPS because of the colored font....

Missy said...

any of them. they're all great. how do you do it yourself? i want to too!

i like the second one, but the third is a close second.

Kera said...

thanks for posting. i don't usually get bored but i am bored to tears today.

i love the cursive writing on the first two and the design of the 3rd.

Lula. said...

I like the first one best. You are so creative, how do you do that?

The Jackson Three said...

I like #3.

Unknown said...

I like #1 and 3. They're very cute and summery!

Sine family said...

My favorite is number 1.

Tara Edwards said...

I like number three, but I might do it with black writing so it's easier to see, and on white, so you can use it on lots of different envelopes. Way too cute!

Lindsey said...

My fave is number 1. Then number 2. Very cute.

k. said...

Okay, so we all agree!! Oh wait. :)

I didn't design these, but did. Aren't they fun? I only wish I was so creative. I can PICK things out somewhat well though. :)

Jill said...

i like #3 but minus the green flower band... possible?

Alissa said...

I like the first one... but that is me, and I like more simple things. I was wondering, "why cherries" at first and then I realized that it doesn't matter why b/c they are cute! I also really like the last label, only because it says, "The Whitings" rather than mike and kathryn whiting... oh decisions decisions.

Julia said...

I like #3.

They are all so cute. I have always used the ones that you get from the cancer society when they ask for a donation.

Jennifer said...

I Love tinyprints. They did our Christmas card last year. I like the tulip best.