May 30, 2008


Sad, sad, sad. A 2nd crane has collapsed in New York City {91st &1st}, right around the corner from our apartment {@ 92nd}, right next to {& into} the pharmacy where Mike & I pick up prescriptions, bandaids, ziplock bags, etc, & right next door to our grocery store, dry cleaner, favorite little Italian restaurant, etc {i.e. we're on that block a lot}. It happened 6 minutes after we left our apartment together this morning. We just spoke on the phone & mentioned how every time we've walked by the construction site we've thought Wow, that's a really big crane, & it could fall. I walked by it just yesterday & thought that.
Just talked to my friend Ruth who was on her way to the pharmacy & bank {in that order} this morning. She changed her mind & went to the bank first instead & while she was there, the crane collapsed. Count your blessings {name them one, by one}...


Jan said...

We should never, ever take a day for granted...each is a blessing. I hope this precipitates and huge change in how NYC monitors these companies. Wasn't the crane proclaimed safe just a few days ago?

Elizabeth said...

wow thats crazy. maybe we should all be shut ins.

Missy said...

I have google news as my homepage so when I woke up and saw this, I immediately thought of a few people I know in NY. Glad you guys were ok (and your friend too).

Tara Edwards said...

I think you should just avoid places with cranes for awhile. I'm glad you are OK.