May 21, 2008


Preface: This post is totally irrelevant to a} boys or b} people who have not yet accepted the Gospel of Bare Minerals.
You know when you go to a cosmetic counter & they convince you that you need an entirely new makeup collection? I've learned to say no at MAC {I know all of the shadows by name- not even kidding}, but with the somewhat recent switch to Bare Esentuals, it's more hard to be convinced that no is okay. I felt like that in San Francisco last weekend when Kera & I {& kindly, Patrick} spent some time in a Bare Esentuals boutique. I've loved using their foundation for the last year, but haven't broken out of that realm. Maybe I need to use the shadow, too? It's so pretty. Do I need to get Prime Time Primer so it doesn't crease? And am I using the wrong brush to put on the foundation? It used to be all about the Kabuki, & now they're using the smaller Buki brush. Hmm. And blush? Do I need it? I don't really know about blush. I'm trying to simplify, but really, being a girl is tricky.
I hope & pray that I have either a} all boys or b} girls who are nothing like me when they grow up.


Jan said...

I personally hope you have a darling girl to pamper one day - Gotta love the boys too...But girls are so....girly.... and fun!
I use the Prime Time if I have....time. I'm not sure it makes all that much of a difference, but it does make me feel I've done the whole thing...completely. Are you staying with Bare Minerals, or do you switch off now and then? I don't own any liquid foundation any more, but when I look at Tara in her Bobbie Brown I will admit she's totally flawless, which I am not. As long as the brush is high quality I think you're ok...But go and try out the kabuki ...Then let us know. Can you do that?

suz said...

I thought Tara made the swithc to Bare Esentuals. I also no longer own any liquid foundation any more either. I have used the eye shadow {I like it} and use the Prime time when I am going out. I like the way it makes my face feel {smooth}.

Joanna said...

Too funny, because guess what. I stopped by the counter just to try some gloss, and an hour later I walked away with an entirely new color scheme kit... something like "Exoptic Tropic"... I lvoe it, though. I and do love the eye color. It's a little messy, but pretty and natural.

PS, I'm going to get some of the Keil's lipbalm tonight. I like the "wear it while you sleep" idea.

Sine family said...

When you figure it out can you let me know because I am having the same problem. HELP!!

Jennifer said...

Oh, the days of actually wearing make-up are long gone for me. I have a one year old and no reason to wear (or buy) fun make-up anymore. If I'm lucky, I still manage to put on some Stila lipgloss.


The Jackson Three said...

I'm a huge Kabuki fan myself - but I'm still using MAC, haven't converted yet. But MAC has a primer that I use and really least the 2x a week that I actually attempt to put makeup on. And I never do blush - that's too much for me!

Unknown said...

I'm clueless about the Kabuki vs. Buki debate (I just use what came in the starter kit), but I do love my "rose radiance" blush that Brad surprised me with one day. I just use the foundation, that and the clear radiance on my upper cheek bones and eyelids. I'm obviously not a big makeup person, but the rose radiance is perfectly subtle for me (more of a sparkle-- pretty translucent- than full blown pink). The primer looks like a nice option, although I tend to opt out on shadows during the summer.

Kera said...

the primer, i can't live without :) I say no on the blush because the color you use is so very pretty. BUT, they do have so many preeetty colors of everything huh. I am happy i am sticking the BM.

Let me know how the new brush works.

k. said...

PS- After a month or so, the vote is for the Buki. Smaller is better.