May 7, 2008

I keep updating this because I have more to say.

  • My breakfast this morning: Chocolate cake - a Brooklyn Blackout piece of deliciousness, I might add. Mike did it, too. Don't judge. I love Two Little Red Hens. Even if it makes me chubby.
  • On a similar note- I don't remember the last time I wore a sports bra. This could be a problem. It's finally warming up, so Central Park might just become my friend again.
  • "The latest news on Britney Spears" is a phrase I never want to hear again on The Today show, or I'm boycotting it forever. Seriously. This is not Entertainment Tonight people.

  • I'm obsessed with English Muffins recently, but only because I can put a ridiculous amount of Sara Beth's Orange Apricot Marmalade on them. Mom, I'm sending you this for Mother's Day. You'll die of happiness.

  • I'm also infatuated with my new{ish} bag. I can't stop using it. It's the perfect size {think notebook, book{s}, iPod, Blackberry, water bottle, flip flops, etc. etc.} & I never have to think about what color shoes I'm wearing.
  • Speaking of iPods - My new one, after the death of my last one, is still silent & empty. I just haven't found the time to upload anything to it. Someone needs to invent a super cool company that fills your iPod with all of the perfect songs & creates all of the perfect play lists. Why has this not happened already?
  • I'm going to LA for work next week & can't wait to be in the sun, eat at In 'n Out & finally try Sprinkles Cupcakes. I also can't wait to take advantage of the cross-country trip to sneak up to San Francisco to see Haidyn {& her parents} for the weekend. Have I mentioned that I want to live in San Francisco so badly? Well, I do.
  • We've been apartment hunting for three weeks now. It has been stressful enough that we just might not move after all, & stressful enough that I haven't even wanted to write about it {if I don't talk about it, is it really true?}. We'll see. It needs to be said though - Only in Manhattan is it acceptable for a real estate broker to suggest that you put your bedroom dresser in your living room {because the bedroom is so small}.
  • I'm working to be more balanced. This involves learning how to say "no" to work & spending more time on things that matter. I think this should likely also involve not eating chocolate cake for breakfast, but everything in moderation, right? I eat bird seed {Kashi} every other day, promise. It also involves things like unsubscribing from all of the junk emails I get, cleaning out my closet, & recommitting myself to goals that are important.
  • Yesterday was 75 degrees with 32% humidity. Absolutely flawless.
  • Oh- & finding out that the new assistant to the head of our firm is a recent Mormon convert... it was fun. We've had some good talks since we discovered each other. It's fun to have that in common with someone at work.

  • I love the bell sleeves on this white shirt from GAP's Design Edition.
  • I hate, hate, hate public restrooms. Especially at work. Especially when you run into someone you know, & they proceed to talk to you while you are busy.
  • Sometimes I think my blog is really stupid & that I should just keep a journal. Especially when I appear to be a bad person because of my honest thoughts regarding my hesitation to say Bless You when strangers sneeze. I mean, I really just don't think that a person needs to be blessed because they had to rid their nose of dust or pollen, or maybe because the woman next to them is wearing extra-strong perfume, so I think that maybe I'm okay just not saying it. Because really, I don't like things that are done purely out of social obligation {& I always think that when I do say Bless You}, but that doesn't mean that I'm a bad person.
  • America's Next Top Mormon - Interesting article about Mormons & reality television.


Jill said...

1. you're not a bad person because you don't say bless you, i think i'm just like the rest of the herd, baaaa

2. I am over the Today show for that exact reason. Must I stick to NY1 for some solid news?

3. I love your blog.

Have fun in California! when are you back?

Kera said...

i love your girly posts and I HATE that the news announces stories about jamie lynn spears breaking up with her high school boyfriend. WHO CARES!!! as far as I am concerned, most celebs are insane and the fact that we are so intrigued by them is sick.

Heidi said...

Can I second that public bathroom thing a million times over? Oh how I hate them.

Kellie said...

Great post - absolutely loved it. I feel like we just had a nice chat. Promise I'll call tomorrow so we don't sink into blog friends only.

Jan said...

Your blog is wonderful, unique, thoughtful, real and just pretty dang awesome. It's never,ever stupid.

Elizabeth said...

I love your blog its not stupid and I really liked the article. And I dont think your a bad person. Be yourself and always be honest.

Lindsey said...

I like your blog and this post is just one of the many reasons why!

public restrooms - yuck! V cute GAP shirt. We have a favorite apricot jam over here too. So good. And I would never judge about the chocolate cake for breakfast. Totally acceptable.

Oh and the article about mormons and reality tv was a fun read.

Sine family said...

I love that purse. It must come in so handy. I also love your blog so don't stop blogging.

I'm so jealous that you will be in CA for a week. Is it for work? When do you leave? We'll miss you.

Tara Edwards said...

- I had Strawberry cake for Breakfast yesterday, Yum
- We should pick something to train for so we can wear sports bras. I'd do it with you.
- I like Entertainment tonight, but I'm happy Britney hasn't been in the news lately.
- My birthday is in June, and I like English Muffins as well!
- Cute Bag
- Wish you were coming here
- And I love your blog. Don't even think about it.

Missy said...

That article was so interesting. I totally remember the Julie girl from Real World.

The coworkers talking during the business -- I totally get that. It is so strange. Don't you wonder how those people don't think so too?

Where is the bag from?