Jun 30, 2008

The bun needs to stay in the oven.

Baby Boy Holdaway (my sister Elizabeth's) is trying to make his grand entrance early - 3 months early. This being said, she's on bed rest as of today, & I've instructed her to be like a bat.


Unknown said...

Scary. Good luck and I hope things calm down, Elizabeth! (And congrats on boy #2. Very exciting.)

Julia said...

poor girl-- bed rest sounds miserable (although staying in bed all day in my air-conditioned apartment rather than having to go out in this heat could be nice for a day or two). I will keep my fingers crossed that her little guy decides to stay in a little longer though.

Alissa said...

We're all sending positive thoughts! Bed rest must be really difficult, but the lil' guy is soooo worth it!

Missy said...

Oh, I hope it all goes well! When is she due? She must be right around the same time as me. Congrats to her!

Tara Edwards said...

I love the bat picture. Whenever I talk to her I ask her if shes up-side down!