Jun 4, 2008

June 4.

Mike & I split a red velvet cupcake for breakfast this morning {don't judge}. I picked it up from Two Little Red Hen's last night, but Mike got home really late from work, & I was already asleep, so breakfast it was. I've never been a big red velvet fan {they're always dry}, but this one was tasty. It might be my new favorite. I spent 20 minutes this morning trying to find the perfect Red Velvet Cupcake image from google, but just couldn't. I don't even think this particular cupcake is even Red Velvet, & it definitely doesn't look like what I had for breakfast, but alas, it will have to suffice lest I waste my day looking at pictures of cupcakes. Oh- but I did find this pretty painting on Flickr. If I had a cupcake cafe, I'd buy it & put it on the wall.

It's raining. It's humid {obviously}. My feet decided to swell up like balloons & my hair is a frizzy mess. I hate that.

The BYU Chamber Orchestra is playing at Carnegie Hall tonight. We're meeting Mike's parents for dinner at Dos Caminos beforehand {yummy Mexican, albeit fancy Mexican, which just isn't the same as really good Mexican, but Dos Caminos is really good- especially the guacamole & cheese dip}.
Tangled & True posted these reusable bags. Considering that I have to carry everything everywhere {i.e. no car to dump things into}, I think it makes sense to have one- for groceries, for mail, shopping, whatever the case may be. I want one, or at least something similar to them. Any other ideas?
It's Wednesday. I've never loved Wednesday. It feels like I'm stuck in between two big pieces of the daily grind, & maybe if Friday doesn't come soon, I'll ooze out like peanut butter between bread. Luckily, for this particular Wednesday, it is my brother Andrew's birthday. He's 22 & oh so very grown up now, which is strange, because he's always been my little brother. Anyway- Happy birthday to him. It makes my Wednesday a tiny bit better. {Update: I'm an idiot. Today is June 4th... Not June 5th. I've been off all morning apparently.}
Oh- I forgot to mention that I saw a woman walking her tiny little dog yesterday morning in cloud pajama pants, disastrous hair, & 4-inch heels. It just didn't make any sense.


Caitlin said...

I share your passion for Red velvet, we may just have to make a trip to brooklyn to this special cake shoppe that only makes red velvet. Pretty dang good.
Also, don't tell anyone but the betty crocker red velvet mix is some of the best I have ever had.
Let's add it to our list- 1st levain, 2nd the quest for red velvet.

Jan said...

I'm laughing....He thought his birthday was today too. Sadly, it is still June 4th. He'll have to wait for tomorrow to actually celebrate.....How nice of you to think of him early though. Red velvet cupcakes.....yum! I have a couple of good Red Velvet recipes - They should be exceptionally moist unless they were overcooked -or old. The dark richness makes them lovely to look at too!
I'm using reusable bags...Got them at COSTCO..not very pretty, but they work well. I also got Case Logic bags that are very large and have the bonus of having a zippered top which is squared off so as to not compromise space...very handy. The handles are a bit short however.

Unknown said...

reusable bags: envirosax are also a great option with tons of cool styles/fabrics. You can get a packet of 5 for only $38 (or a single one for $8.50). It's a steal. They're small and compact-able as well! (http://usa.envirosax.com)

p.s. It's raining here too. Bummer. But a red velvet cupcake sounds so good. I would definitely do that for breakfast. :)