MAC has a
limited edition line out right now that I'm in love with. I was initially turned off by the loud packaging (I prefer their basic black) & crazy marketing (which I should be used to by now), but I was pleasantly surprised when I actually
looked at the line. All of the colors are surprisingly neutral & pretty, with just enough
kick to step things up a bit from my every day routine (think extra shimmer & sparkle). I know I'm not supposed to buy eyeshadow ever again - I really shouldn't - but MAC has a great recycling program that justifies it. More or less.

(Two of my forever-favorite MAC colors are Shroom & Naked Lunch)
Oh I have Naked Lunch- love it too. What colors do you like in the limited edition line?
Yeah, what colors from the limited edition?
The one I got is called Time & Space. It's not brown & not purple & not gold... but something in between. Hard to explain, but it's really pretty with naked lunch, or with grain (which looks like naked lunch without being quite as pink). They also have a more neutral naked-lunchish color called Femme-Fi that's pretty, but looks too close to Naked Lunch to justify buying.
Oops- Kathryn, not Mike. Obviously.
Very pretty. I love those kinds of colors. I'm totally addicted to Naked Lunch and I need a new color.
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