Jun 9, 2008


Our weekend was nice. It felt like a long one, since I stayed home from work Thursday & Friday to reflect. It was nice to eat lunch with Mike in Tribeca, sleep in a little bit & just to be still. We went out to New Canaan Saturday morning to watch Bryan play in the Connecticut State Lacrosse game (they sadly lost). It was beyond hot & humid, but nice to get together. Lunch at Swanky Franks beforehand was fun (only $2.75 for a burger!) ; it's a road-side hamburger shack that looks dirty, but tastes pretty great. We have the same waitress every time, & the spicy mustard is yummy. It's a good recent find. We did barbecue with the Whitings on Saturday night (hamburgers, plus pound cake/strawberries/whipped cream for dessert- yum) & then made our way back into the city.

It's Monday & 97 degrees. Not happy. Tomorrow is supposed to be worse. Have I mentioned that I sort of hate NYC summers? I sort of do. I just can't stand the humidity, & I always feel like I'm wearing 25 layers of clothing. Does anyone have a solution for this? It's miserable some days. I really hate sweating. It's just gross. The heat right now isn't normal for this time of year, but still. Oh- & I'm really, really happy that I've been growing out the bangs for the last month or so. I have a feeling my hair will be up & out of my face for the next few months.

We have a busy week with something on the calendar every single night. Hopefully that means it goes by fast.


Caitlin said...

I've been craving a good old fashioned bbq. I need to find out if we have roof access and I would be so down to buy a little grill!
I feel like I haven't talked to you forever even though it has only been a week. Looks like you had a fun weekend!

Julia said...

I'm glad you took a little time off. I am not looking forward to another sweltering summer either. I was keeping my fingers crossed for a mild one, but it is off to a bad start so far.

I hate the layer issue too, but I'm not sure what to do about it. Linen skirts are wonderful.

Lindsey said...

Your weekend sounds nice! I was there for a little of the NYC summer during my internship and I remember that humidity. Fun pictures.