Jul 9, 2008

It's Wednesday.

  • I'm glad that my husband is very aware of the money that we spend. Today: the discovery of credit card theft #2 (he noticed, not me, of course). The original theft (of a different card) only happened in March. Are you kidding me? The latest- lots of money spent in Ireland & the UK. Frustrating.
  • I got a facial @ Bliss last night. So lovely, & a much needed treat for myself. My skin is oh-so-soft. If I had all the money in the world, I'm pretty sure I'd make time for weekly spa visits, especially with the added treat of Bliss having the best brownies in the world in the waiting room. My esthetician told me before I left that she wished I was her daughter, & that I should tell myself that I'm beautiful & wonderful every morning in the mirror. Oh- & wrinkle is apparently a cuss word I'm not allowed to utter until I'm at least 60. I still left with some preventative moisturizer.
  • Yesterday - I ate a chili hot dog for lunch. How disgusting is that? It totally grossed me out (afterwards, sadly) & I just can't believe I did it. The tomato bisque soup I had ordered was absolutely disgusting, & one of our admins is kind enough to order "extra" food for people who want to snack during the afternoon. I was starving. On this particular day, it was cheeseburgers, shakes, fries & chili dogs from a place in Greenwich creatively called Burgers, Shakes & Fries. Sigh. AND THEN. This morning. I sort of have a weakness for powdered sugar. It's one of the more delicious things in life, especially on crepes made with fresh peaches, yogurt & whipped cream. Anyway. There was a platter full of doughnuts in the kitchen at work, & one of them happened to be perfectly covered in powdered sugar. I ate it. For breakfast. It was delicious. But oh my gosh, I would weigh 20 pounds less if I didn't have a job. Sigh (again).
  • Mike & I decided to take a quick weekend trip to Palmyra this weekend. We've never gone for the pageant, & we're excited. It will be good to get away, & upstate New York is absolutely beautiful. Can't wait.


Jan said...

Oh! I'm so glad you're going to make the trip - You'll have such a great time. I think there's a wonderful spirit about that place....lucky you.

Lindsey said...

I would go to the spa every week if money allowed as well.

Oh, hot dogs. I know they're disgusting, but sometimes I can't help myself.

Have fun this weekend!

Missy said...

Oh man Kathryn...I thought of you this morning. My dinner last just didn't turn out good and we still ate it and I totally had that feeling of when you ate your chili dog. Like just that grossness the day after.

But, I do like the occasional hot dog rather than a gross dinner. Your work catering sounds amazing.

And I would totally be at the spa every week if I could.