Jul 28, 2008


  • I took more belly photos of Caitlin & Dan (Caitlin having the cute belly - more photos on their blog) right before we left on our trip. I'm so happy that we got a few cute ones. We found this great red door & brick wall a block away from our apartment & it made such a fun backdrop. I love New York City
  • Speaking of loving New York City, I'm slightly depressed at being back & sort of hate it right now. I always get a knot in my stomach on the plane flying east, like I'm falling uncontrollably away from something that I'm trying to hang on to. It's not that I need be west per se, it's just that I love being near so much family. Coming back Saturday night made me realize how really, really grateful I am for the good friends that I have in the city. They have come to mean so much to me over the past year... & it has been a hard year. This being said, we literally got home to a friend being in our apartment (hi Jill!), followed by dinner & dessert with more friends. It made so much of a difference.
  • I'm still sort of sad though. My morning commute felt extra long/extra smelly/extra humid/extra early today. I need to work on having a better attitude this week.
  • Seriously So Blessed sort of made fun of me. Me, as in, anyone who participated in a memory tag, but still. That's me. I did it. Is it silly if it kind of made me feel really stupid?


Jan said...

You have an amazing sense of color, balance and style, Kathryn. I'm sure Catlin is thinking she's really scored having you as her personal photographer. No one could have caught her cute tummy better! Maybe one day you could have a little side business doing this - Wouldn't it be fun?....No pressure...just a fun way to make people happy!

Sine family said...

We're so glad you are back. I'm glad you stopped by the day you got back. We were going through Whiting withdrawals.
PS I think I need some fun belly pictures.

Jill said...

that clock one is fantastic too. ruth you better get this before that baby comes early.

Joanna said...

GREAT photos, Kathryn! I love the red wall - the contrast is awesome. And the clock is such a cute idea! Someday I'll copy you. :)

Lula. said...

Wow. You have such a creative eye for photography. I need to take lessons from you.

And Seriously So Blessed gave me a good laugh, even though it makes fun of me on more than one occasion. I know what you mean about feeling silly about feeling stupid. We are taking ourselves too seriously though if we have nothing to be made fun of about... bring it on SSB! :)

Elizabeth said...

I wish I looked that cute pregnant. I was wheeled to a room for an ultrasound yesterday and when my new nurse came in and I stood up she looked at me and then the chart and said how small I looked for 31 weeks. It made me feel good on one hand and on the other I wanted to feel big so that meant the baby was bigger. The pictures look great I wish I had some like that.

Kristin said...

These pics look great! I love the red wall. It makes me miss New York.