Jul 7, 2008

Patty's Tacos.

Our new favorite: Patty's Tacos @ 86th & Lexington - & by Lexington, we mean literally on Lexington, assuming they get a good parking spot. It feels a little dirty to eat it on the sidewalk, but it's yummy.


Jan said...

I love a good taco once in awhile...Do they stay there all day...every day?

Kera said...

you'll have to take patrick there when we come. he is all about this kind of thing. dirty :)

Lindsey said...

We have a taco van where I grew up. I really don't think they have to fight for a parking spot in a town of 15,000, but it's always good too!

Sarah Jane said...

Nathan has been eyeing this truck for weeks. We'll have to try it out.