Jul 17, 2008


Julia, Caitlin, Jill & Ruth came over for swimming last night. I'd say that we did more bobbing than actual swimming (none of us got out with wet hair), but it was fun, even with a somewhat negative encounter with a lifeguard on a power trip. Direct quote: Rule #1 clearly states that you must shower before getting in the pool.
The fierce looking woman (complete with bright red lips) swimming laps in the pool was clearly not happy with the amount of giggling coming from our area of the pool, but oh what fun we had. I loved spending time with just the girls. A perfect insert into the middle of a somewhat stressful & chaotic week.
PS- I'm glad that cameras were not anywhere within the vicinity of the pool, because I am p-a-l-e.


Sine family said...

What a fun night. I think we should do it again more often if we are allowed. He really was on a power trip. I mean what else would explain why he felt the need to change your husband's name from Mike to Mitchell.

Jill said...

i loved bobbing with you girls. it really was perfect timing + so nice to catch up. i am definitely in the pale club too.

The Jackson Three said...

did you guys at least wear floaties? sorry I missed the bobbing!

Julia said...

It was fun-- especially since three of us were quite large in the belly. Girl, you were definitely not the palest one there-- that prize goes to me. Girl time is the best.