Jul 2, 2008

Zzz's (or lack thereof).

I had a dream that my teeth were filled with cavernous cavities that hurt.

I had a dream that on my morning commute on Metro North, I decided to unhook two trains so that the back half of the train was left somewhere in the Bronx, while the rest of us sped quickly along towards Connecticut. I clearly found this quite amusing.

I had a dream that my eyelashes disappeared & I just couldn't find them, no matter how much mascara I tried to put on.

I didn't sleep well last night.


PJ and Julie said...

poor sister! I assume she's got kids at home too that she needs to take care of, which I am sure makes bed rest even more miserable! My nurse told me yesterday that she has a girl whose test came back positive, but it's been over a month and she's still hanging in there...hopefully your sister is in the same boat!

I would vote for your relative :)

Heidi said...

I can relate. I am still waiting for a good nights rest. I think it's been since about January.

Tara Edwards said...

Oh my gosh! What had you eaten for dinner that night! Don't do that again!