Aug 7, 2008

Because I'm grateful, I'll share.

  • Subway wind. Nothing beats the cool breeze on a hot & humid NYC summer day.
  • Good friends who know me.
  • Funny stories & lots of laughs (refer to good friends).
  • A good job in a terrible economy.
  • Living in a city where I get to eat the best pizza ever.
  • My long commute & the opportunity it gives me to read & to be still.

Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.

William Faulkner

1 comment:

Julia said...

What a great list. I need to remember to be grateful for things like subway wind and reading on my commute, rather than cursing the time spent waiting on the platform, or my eternal commute.