Aug 29, 2008

Espionage + other people I think are interesting + some happy news.

This guy? The interesting one? We were train buddies again today for the first time in quite a while, so of course I took advantage of the opportunity to practice my stealth espionage to document it. Same jeans, same bag (not pictured), new shoes- with fancy socks.
Speaking of interesting people... I oftentimes browse through the Duane Reade on 125th Street when I have some time to kill before my train comes in the morning, you know, to look at Q-tips & such. The same woman is working there every single morning. The store is always empty. I bet she has rung me up 63 times. Each & every single one of those times she looks at me & says, "Do you have a club card?" I have responded with "no" each of those 63 times. I don't want a club card taking up space in my wallet. I just really don't, but yet she still asks me each & every time I come in, as if I'll have had some overnight revelation about needing to save $5 for every $100 I spend (not worth the wallet space). So, when she asked the same question yesterday, I wanted to scream at her. It was one of those mornings. I held my tongue. Be proud of my restraint.
And finally- Jill & I went to see our beautifully pregnant friend Ruth last night. Her due date is next week & we had such a nice time rubbing her belly (it was consensual), feeling the baby kick & then being there when the contractions were getting closer & closer together. It was amazing thing to watch, really (& how funny is it that your belly gets flat before you deliver- we could see it happening!). We left around 10pm & I woke up to great news on my blackberry- Jr. made his arrival this morning around 4am, 8 lbs. 6 oz. Apparently he was almost a taxi baby. I can't wait to a) meet him & b) hear the story. I'm also glad that Ruth kept up her end of the bargain with me by promising to deliver before I go to Utah next week. :) Congrats to our dear friends.


Jill said...

maybe you should get a club card, think of all of the savings!

that really was amazing last night to see ruth, i was so thrilled this morning to see their text. he was getting ready to come out when we were there!

are you able to go and stop by this evening? i'm going to try to run over right after work. i have my camera here.

Tara Edwards said...

If you did get a card, I wonder if she would get confused! You should do it just for a day to see what would happen. And congrats to your friend! How fun!

k. said...

I don't like messes. Especially in my wallet. :)

Sine family said...

I think you and Jill should start a business and go around rubbing bellies and helping women go into labor. I'll be your manager. What do you say?