Aug 3, 2008

Happy Anniversary.

My mom & dad have been married for 40 years today. I loved this anniversary card that I found for them. I hope they actually do this some day. I think it suits them. Or at least the lake.


Jan said...

Actually looks like the lake...and Dad. Funny card!!!! I'm afraid I would scare off wildlife for miles.

Lula. said...

At first I thought that was an actual picture of them and I was going to be amazed at what awesome parents you have. But then again, it seems like you already have awesome parents (without them having to jump off a dock together naked).

Kera said...

i was gonna say that this looked like dad too... or at least the speedo tan line :)

chelsea mckell said...

that card is hi-lar-i-ous. I bet your Dad would do it. 40 years, wow.