Sep 22, 2008


I love Autumn in New York. The season, that is. The movie was stupid.
But really.
The short (!) plaid skirts are everywhere, the sidewalks are crowded with little people in the mornings & the feeling of back to school really does feel like a time of renewal & fresh starts. I've made goals accordingly. Just teensy ones, so that I might just actually accomplish them. Among them:
  • Make time for a small amount of exercise every day (8 Minute Abs, pushups, or a run or Power90 if I have the time to get it in). I already feel better.
  • Devote more time to focus on my spiritual self (which is most-easily neglected).
  • Cook more. I have my favorites, but I need some new ideas.
  • Sleep more. It is seemingly impossible with a much earlier alarm clock, but I'm trying.
  • Stop making such quick judgments on people. Smile more.
  • No caffeine. Maybe even no soda, period (I'm working on it).

Fall is just great in New York City. I really, really love it here this time of year. I'm looking forward to drives up the Taconic Parkway, brisk walks around the Reservoir at the park, apple cider, The Halloween Extravaganza at St. John the Divine, lounging around with family + friends in New Canaan Conference weekend & wearing my favorite new cords (these, too). Oh- & the absence of humidity (with its subsequent sweat/frizz/wrinkles trifecta) is lovely as well.


Jan said...

I was reading about Rockaway Beach this weekend as one of the best free places to go in New York. I'll bet it would be a fun excursion as well. Have you been there? Is it all hype or really fun?

Amy said...

That Halloween Extravaganza sounds fun! Have you gone before? Maybe Tim and I will try it this year...

Missy said...

Can you take a photo of yourself in the cords? They look great. I wish you would do an "outfit a week" and just showcase what you wear - it sounds like you have a wardrobe to covet.

I am so loving Wire Whisk these days. And your description of Fall in NYC made me want to come out there...