Sep 3, 2008


One of my most favorite & frequent lunch options (eaten a bit excessively, perhaps) is a spicy tuna roll. With edamame.
One of my least favorite lunches, it turns out, is popping one of these mamas right into my mouth & chewing... Only to realize that it was a very, very bad idea.
Boo for rotten fish. Fingers crossed I'm not throwing up in 25 minutes.


Tara Edwards said...

Uggg! Gross! That's the worst! Breath Mints!

Jill said...

ohhhh so sorry. yucky.

Unknown said...

Yeah, that's about the worst thing to bite into and realize it's no longer good. Ick.

Jan said...

Listerine handy?

Unknown said...

oh disgusting! that's bad luck.