Sep 30, 2008


Now that I'm off the hard stuff (1 1/2 months so far) I just drink Diet A&W root beer every day. I don't really even like Root Beer. It's kind of gross.
I swear, it's the carbonation. If we had flavored carbonated water I'd be drinking it all day long... I just can't handle flat water (it makes me nauseous) & Perrier makes me ill. But the flavored water? One word. Aspartame.
I can't win.


Unknown said...

Buy Izze drinks. I love them. Just fruit juice (100%) + sparkling water. It seems like a decent compromise.

k. said...

Okay- but what about something with ZERO calories? :)

I'm impossible. I need to learn to love water.

Elizabeth said...

its true everything has something bad.. I have not had root beer in a long time. kind of looks good to me right now.

dad said...

Drink Tonic Water with a twist of lemon or lime.