Kera tagged me & I'm supposed to talk about my quirkiest quirks. This isn't a problem.
- Buttons. I have a really cute little box that is full of nothing but buttons. I think I've kept every extra button I've gotten for the last 6 years. Why, you might ask? Well, I might just lose one, & then I'll need one, & how bad would it be to not have the exact button that I need? It would be devastating, so I've taken the necessary measures to prevent this from ever happening. It's a quirk, & I'm not ashamed. Mike commented last night (during the button photo shoot) that I'm the least pack-ratty person he's ever met, yet I refuse to throw away any extra button I come upon. I think that deep down, I just knew that they would all make a fun photo someday.
- Cleaning mode. I love things being clean, but more than clean I like things to be organized. At the risk of painting myself as slightly obsessive/compulsive, sometimes I get into a mode & all I can think about is cleaning & organizing. I'm not really kidding about being in the mode because really, my heart pounds & the racing thoughts race incredibly fast & I'll start making lists in the middle of Sunday School about what needs to be cleaned/cleaned out/re-organized/thrown away/donated. My current "to do" list in my Blackberry includes a) clean out gym clothes drawer b) organize socks/tights c) organize photos on both external drives & d) clean out Christmas decorations box under bed. I mean, they're all totally necessary tasks, right? And sometimes, they just have to be done right this minute even if it means staying up two hours too late, or making my husband a little anxious because sometimes, when I clean, it means that I'm a) angry b) sad or c) really, really stressed & just need to have complete control over something in my life. Sometimes though, it just means that I want to tidy things up a little bit.
- Hiccups. They're chronic, maybe even to the point of needing to go to the doctor (Mike has been trying to get me to go for months). I always get them within 45 minutes of waking up, & then once or twice during the day. This is totally normal, right? I think my diaphragm is broken.
- Deaf. I might just be. In my right ear. I'm not quite sure, because I've never checked, & I've never had any problems, but I absolutely, positively cannot use my cell phone on my right ear. Only my left. I am a left-handed phone person, without a doubt. I also can't carry a purse on my right shoulder. It's impossible, & literally makes my entire body tip over.
i'm a button collector too! and just this morning i was thinking about finding a cool jar for them.
that really is curious about your hiccups. i wonder what would cause that every morning.
that's why you're so cool...
I love buttons. I, too have kept every spare button for every article of clothing since who-knows-when.
You should probably never look in my work-out clothes drawer, or sock drawer. I have a hard time keeping my clothes organized. You might be appalled.
Love your photo! You could even post it for your all time fav for that class you have been taking on line??? or not but I REALLY do love th photo.
I liked this one! It made me think of the things that make myself quarky too. I sort of can't believe the hiccups. I wonder why you get them so much?!
You're so funny. I miss seeing you regularily.
Keep blogging. :)
You are funny :) I love reading your posts, and I'll stay up all night if thats what it takes! I'm sorry if your blackberry keeps telling you that you have a new message. Just turn it off until the morning!
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