Sep 22, 2008


I think every family has taken this photo at some point, right? My mom emailed it to us last week & I just love it, as cheesy as it is. I remember going to get this taken - thinking that my older sisters were so cool because their gowns were so sophisticated, & my brothers because they got to hold guns. I love this photo because we are all so young. We all look so innocent. We were all friends, more or less, or at the very least, playmates. We didn't have to focus on any of the big stuff, & arguments centered around whose turn it was on the jet ski (the stand-up Kawasaki kind) or who had to mow the back lawn (because it was a lot bigger than the front lawn). We didn't have independent families, we didn't have jobs or responsibilities, we didn't have to worry about airfare prices to see each other, we were just kids. It was really fun. It sort of makes me sad to see this picture & then remember that we all live (okay, I live) so far away from each other, & that we're all busy.
I love my family (& miss them, too).


Jill said...

hilarious + cute. we had one too. i love it.

Heidi said...

Our family definitely has a picture like that. It was taken at some place in Denver. Classic.

Debbie said...

Hi Kathryn - yep we have one - and I got one of our grandkids two years ago. I hope to repeat - its just plain "dress-up" and we all need to keep play acting whenever we can.