Sep 26, 2008

What kind of person are you?

Mike & I don't have cable. I think maybe we never will. This means that we also don't have TiVo, which basically feels like the equivalent of not having running water or indoor plumming. But- we're busy, & we just don't watch a ton of TV (nor do we need to be encouraged to watch more).
Thursday nights have always been my favorite. The shows I do watch - The Office & Grey's - were conveniently back-to-back for several years, but now... they conflict.
Last night brought the season premieres of both shows. The same night. At the same time. Without TiVo. What to do?
Mike left the decision up to me. It's only TV, he wisely said (I married him in part because he's just so smart).
I chose The Office.
I wonder what that say about me? That I chose that vs. Meredith + Derek + all the rest of the totally realistic hospital drama that I've grown to love & hate all at the same time?
(Pam + Jim forever)


Lula. said...

I chose the Office, too. No Tivo here, either.

Unknown said...

I would have chosen the office, too. You can watch Grey's online :)

emily said...

No question, office. We don't have tivo or much cable, just basics. I've started just buying the 'season' later on.

Lizzie said...

The last line makes me giggle. We la la LOVE The Office. I figured out the TiVO just in time - I've watched the Jim & Pam scene more than once :)

Heidi said...

You can watch Grey's episodes online so you never has to miss out. Not that I like that show but I do know they are online.

Tara Edwards said...

You want to hear something rediculous? My husband wanted to watch Greys, so I recored the Office to watch later. You made a good choice.

Kera said...

oh no. I chose Grey's . . . What does that say about me? That I enjoy messed up, my daddy didn't love me, sex driven soap VS. quirky awkwardly funny humor! how sad is that. I even fell asleep at the end so I have no idea what even happened.

Missy said...

So with you on the Office, although I've never seen Greys. It was a great episode don't you think?

Elizabeth said...

I think Ryan would pay for Tivo just for that reason. I would pick greys and he would pick the office. Now we can record both... yaaaa!