Oct 25, 2008


Do you spell "Uhm" with an "h" or without?

I know I'm not even supposed to say the word - and I generally don't when I'm speaking (my dad's constant reminders still echo in the back of my head, in addition to his pet peeve regarding the overuse of the word like). But still. Sometimes I use it when I write, & I want to know how to spell it correctly. Even though I know I shouldn't be using it, period.

Um vs. uhm. Hmm.


Unknown said...

I spell it "umm". I just looked it up on dictionary.com (my favorite resource) and they say "um" or "umm". Funny question.

Heidi said...

I didn't know it was a real word and therefore had a "correct" spelling- I learned something today! I write it a lot but I am not aware of how often I say it in real life...

Jill said...

i say umm.

or ummmmmmmm.