Oct 16, 2008

How can I even choose?

(Me, at The Tower of London in the middle of my audio tour - in the torture dungeon)
I said over 500, but what I really meant was over 600, & after deleting my not-favorites & duplicates, I'm still only down to 521 photos (for a 5 day vacation). Oops.


Tara Edwards said...

How fun! You should upload all of them to flicker so we can see your trip minute by minute!

Jill said...

so far so good.

Elizabeth said...

okay so i am commenting for all the London posts. I LOVE the pictures The doors remind me of the movie notting hill. I would hate to live in the castles so cold. Your friends pictures are so cute you should start a business. I love your black flowy shirt. I get scared of ivy and leaves on the side of walls (think of all the spiders in there) but they sure make pretty pictures. Is Mike wearing a brown man purse??

Glad you had so much fun.. More glad your home and that I get to hear your voice again.

Melissa said...

Wow!I just scrolled through all of your pictures...looks like an amazing trip!! All of your pictures are just beautiful! Glad you had a good time. :)