Oct 8, 2008

I am grateful.

for friends whose blood boils on my behalf

& for the nice things that all of you said

& for people who stick up for me

even if they don't know me

(happy wednesday)


Julia said...

I hate jerks. Yes my blood was boiling, but I loved your response. Hooray for the fact that no-one is anonymous anymore!

Heidi said...

Did you get to the bottom of that? I thought I read someone's comment on that post that said they thought it was their fault or something..?

When do you leave for London!?

Jill said...

Done and done. We are not going back to 7th grade. :)

jocelyn said...

i love your previous post. annonymous people are so awkward. who does that? i really enjoy your blog...and like you said it's YOUR blog. debbie downers don't have to read it.